Monday, April 5, 2010

Sheldon's Correlaton Function

Erin Sheldon is helping me with my 2D correlation function. He has one that runs a lot faster than the one I have been using. He has been amazing in helping me to get it working with my data set.

After some incompatibility problems with various packages we needed for running our respective code it seems to be able working now (well it compiles and passes the checks). However, when I try to run it I get the following error:

RuntimeError: found log_binsize < 0

I've pinged Erin about this, so we'll see if he has ideas. The code I'm using to test this is in the following log file: .../logs/

7:15 Update: Erin Rocks! He just got back to me with a fix. It is running now! I'm going to do some tests to see how long it takes and compare it's answer with my correlation function's answer.

Generating HTM ids
Generating reverse indices
rmin: 0.001
rmax: 10
degrees?: True
nbin: 25
logrmin: -3
logrmax: 1
log binsize: 0.16
len(scale_array) = 0

Each dot is 500 points
35000/53071 pair count: 176696860

In [15]: rlower
array([ 1.00000000e-03, 1.44543977e-03, 2.08929613e-03,
3.01995172e-03, 4.36515832e-03, 6.30957344e-03,
9.12010839e-03, 1.31825674e-02, 1.90546072e-02,
2.75422870e-02, 3.98107171e-02, 5.75439937e-02,
8.31763771e-02, 1.20226443e-01, 1.73780083e-01,
2.51188643e-01, 3.63078055e-01, 5.24807460e-01,
7.58577575e-01, 1.09647820e+00, 1.58489319e+00,
2.29086765e+00, 3.31131121e+00, 4.78630092e+00,

In [16]: rupper
array([ 1.44543977e-03, 2.08929613e-03, 3.01995172e-03,
4.36515832e-03, 6.30957344e-03, 9.12010839e-03,
1.31825674e-02, 1.90546072e-02, 2.75422870e-02,
3.98107171e-02, 5.75439937e-02, 8.31763771e-02,
1.20226443e-01, 1.73780083e-01, 2.51188643e-01,
3.63078055e-01, 5.24807460e-01, 7.58577575e-01,
1.09647820e+00, 1.58489319e+00, 2.29086765e+00,
3.31131121e+00, 4.78630092e+00, 6.91830971e+00,

In [17]: counts
array([ 468, 512, 758, 1216, 2176, 4266,
6962, 13332, 25388, 46232, 83912, 146620,
246088, 377354, 523490, 674092, 972164, 1683416,
3167032, 6144742, 12083396, 22744048, 41867790, 71782726,

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