Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Temperature Plots in Python

I figured out how to do temperature plots in python. The only problem with below is that the numbers on the axis are wrong. I if I set 'extent' to be the actual extent of the axis (in this case x = [0.5,1], y = [-28,-18]) then it plots a very skinny, tall plot. So I had to correct the axis by hand later.

import matplotlib
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.cm as cm
import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

redbins = linspace(start = 0.5, stop = 1.0, num = 51)
rcenter = (redbins[0:-1]+redbins[1:])/2.0
mbins = linspace(start = -28, stop = -18, num = 51)
mcenter = (mbins[0:-1]+mbins[1:])/2.0

H, xedges,yedges = N.histogram2d(qsoM[dr7cut],qsored[dr7cut],bins=(mbins,redbins))
X = rcenter
Y = mcenter
Z = H

#plt.imshow(H, extent=[-3,3,-3,3], interpolation='bilinear', origin='lower')

plt.imshow(H, extent=[-3,3,-3,3], interpolation='nearest', origin='lower')

xlabel('redshift (z)')
ylabel('absolute magnitude (i-band)')
title('SDSS DR7 Quasar Density')

The above code is also in the following log file: ../logs/110614log.py

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Calculating Absolute Magnitude

Going back to some "Freshman Astronomy" as Martin White said in the meeting today. The absolute magnitude i-band (M) and apparent i-band magnitude (m) are related by the following equation:

m = M + DM + K (Eqn. 1)

Where DM is the distance modulus and K is the K-correction.

The distance modulus is defined as follows:

DM = 5 log10 ( DL / 10pc ) (Eqn. 2)

where DL is the luminosity distance, defined as follows:

DL = (1+z)*DM (Eqn. 3)

where DM is the comoving distance and z is the redshift.

The K-correction is calculated the following way:

K = -2.5 (1+αν)log10 (1+z) (Eqn. 4)

αν= -0.5 according to Richards et. al 2006

So.... putting that all together:

M = m -DM - K
M = m - 5 log10 ( (1+z)*DM / 10pc ) + 2.5 (0.5)log10 (1+z)

I've decided to use this table from Richards et.al. 2006 to do the k-corrections, because it corrects for both the emission line and continuum components, where as the equation above just corrects for the continuum.


More QSO-Galaxy Cross Correlations

Here are the QSO-Galaxy Cross-Correlations comparing high/low redshift QSOs. I divide the QSO sample in half (0.5 < z < 0.77) & (0.77 < z <1.0):

(plots on wiki)

Here are the QSO-Galaxy Cross Correlations comparing bright/dim QSOs. I divide the QSO sample into the 1/3 brightest (20.20 < g-mag < 16.17) and 1/3 dimest (25.87

(plots on wiki)

It's pretty interesting that there seems to be a difference in the correlation functions for bright/dim objects. I am not sure if we should expect this. The redshift distribution of these objects is similar, so that points to the fact that these objects are actually brighter (not sure further away). I'm hoping to do this in terms of high/low luminosity... but I need to figure out the absolute magnitudes of these objects first. Have pinged Ross about this. More to come...

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

1st Attempt at QSO-Galaxy Cross Correlation

I've calculated the qso-galaxy correlation functions on the entire stripe, and also the stripe divided into two halves.
The code to do this is below (also in ../qsobias/Correlate/runCorrelation.py):

import numpy as N
from pylab import *
from correlationFunctions import *

# Set Angular Correlation Bin Information

oversample = 5. # Amount that randoms should be oversampled
corrBins = 15.0 # Number of correlation bins (+1)
mincorr = 0.1 # (Mpc/h comoving distance separation) Must be great than zero if log-binning
maxcorr = 10.0 # (Mphc/h comoving distance separation)
convo = 180./pi # conversion from degrees to radians
tlogbin = 1 # = 0 for uniform spacing, = 1 for log spacing in theta

# Create file names (full catalog)
workingDir = 'fullrun1'
galaxyDataFile, qsoDataFile, randomDataFile, corr2dCodefile, argumentFile, \
runConstantsFile = makeFileNamesFull(workingDir)

# Write run constants to a file (full catalog)

writeRunConstantsToFile(runConstantsFile, galaxyDataFile, qsoDataFile, \
randomDataFile, corr2dCodefile, argumentFile, oversample, corrBins, \
mincorr, maxcorr, tlogbin)

# Compute the Angular Correlation Function (full catalog)

runcrossCorrelation(workingDir, argumentFile, corr2dCodefile, galaxyDataFile,\
qsoDataFile, randomDataFile, mincorr, maxcorr, corrBins, tlogbin)

# Create file names (Left catalog)
workingDir = 'leftrun1'
galaxyDataFile, qsoDataFile, randomDataFile, corr2dCodefile, argumentFile, \
runConstantsFile = makeFileNamesLeft(workingDir)

# Write run constants to a file (Left catalog)

writeRunConstantsToFile(runConstantsFile, galaxyDataFile, qsoDataFile, \
randomDataFile, corr2dCodefile, argumentFile, oversample, corrBins, \
mincorr, maxcorr, tlogbin)

# Compute the Angular Correlation Function (Left catalog)

runcrossCorrelation(workingDir, argumentFile, corr2dCodefile, galaxyDataFile,\
qsoDataFile, randomDataFile, mincorr, maxcorr, corrBins, tlogbin)

# Create file names (Right catalog)
workingDir = 'rightrun1'
galaxyDataFile, qsoDataFile, randomDataFile, corr2dCodefile, argumentFile, \
runConstantsFile = makeFileNamesRight(workingDir)

# Write run constants to a file (Right catalog)

writeRunConstantsToFile(runConstantsFile, galaxyDataFile, qsoDataFile, \
randomDataFile, corr2dCodefile, argumentFile, oversample, corrBins, \
mincorr, maxcorr, tlogbin)

# Compute the Angular Correlation Function (Right catalog)

runcrossCorrelation(workingDir, argumentFile, corr2dCodefile, galaxyDataFile,\
qsoDataFile, randomDataFile, mincorr, maxcorr, corrBins, tlogbin)

# Must wait for jobs to finish running & output files to be created

# Plot Correlation Functions

# Plot Full Stripe 82

workingDir = "fullrun1"
outfile = "./"+workingDir+"/wpsOutput.dat"
theta,omega=readCorrOutfile(outfile) #Reads correlation output file
loglog(theta, omega,'r-', label = "Full Stripe")
# Number of dd pairs in each bin
ddpairs = [3029, 5404, 9578, 17175, 31653, 58113, 106518, 194566, 358573, 656623, 1211740, 2234135, 4121513, 7602541, 13931607]
errors = 1/N.sqrt(ddpairs)
errorbar(theta, omega, yerr=errors,fmt='ro')

xlabel('Separation Distance (Mpc/h)')
title('2D QSO-Galaxy Cross-correlation Function')

(plots on wiki)

# Plot Full Stripe 82, Left-Half and Right-Half of Stripe 82

workingDir = "fullrun1"
outfile = "./"+workingDir+"/wpsOutput.dat"
theta,omega=readCorrOutfile(outfile) #Reads correlation output file
loglog(theta, omega, label = "Full Stripe")

workingDir = "leftrun1"
outfile = "./"+workingDir+"/wpsOutput.dat"
theta1,omega1=readCorrOutfile(outfile) #Reads correlation output file
loglog(theta1, omega1, label = "Left Stripe")

workingDir = "rightrun1"
outfile = "./"+workingDir+"/wpsOutput.dat"
theta2,omega2=readCorrOutfile(outfile) #Reads correlation output file
loglog(theta2, omega2, label = "Right Stripe")

xlabel('Separation Distance (Mpc/h)')
title('2D QSO-Galaxy Cross-correlation Function')

(plots on wiki)

# Plot Full, Left-Half, Right-Half of Stripe 82, and Mean of all three + 3-sigma errors

workingDir = "fullrun1"
outfile = "./"+workingDir+"/wpsOutput.dat"
theta,omega=readCorrOutfile(outfile) #Reads correlation output file
loglog(theta, omega, label = "Full Stripe")

workingDir = "leftrun1"
outfile = "./"+workingDir+"/wpsOutput.dat"
theta1,omega1=readCorrOutfile(outfile) #Reads correlation output file
loglog(theta1, omega1, label = "Left Stripe")

workingDir = "rightrun1"
outfile = "./"+workingDir+"/wpsOutput.dat"
theta2,omega2=readCorrOutfile(outfile) #Reads correlation output file
loglog(theta2, omega2, label = "Right Stripe")

datamaxtrix = [omega,omega1,omega2]
mean = N.mean(datamatrix,axis=0)
errors = 3*N.std(datamatrix,axis=0)/sqrt(3)
loglog(theta, mean, 'k-',label = "Mean")
errorbar(theta, mean, yerr=errors,fmt='ko')

xlabel('Separation Distance (Mpc/h)')
title('2D QSO-Galaxy Cross-correlation Function')

(plots on wiki)

I sent the above plots to Martin, Alexie, Nic and David. Martin thought they looked about right. The slope of the mean correlation function above is -0.74. Martin and Nikhil found that the 3D correlation function was about -1.7, and we would expect the projected 2D correlation function to be about one less than this.... so that is good.

1) Try dividing the QSO samples into different redshift/brightness sets and see if we get different correlation results.
2) Implement jackknifing ability into the code.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

More Debugging Correlation Functions

In trying to modify my angular correlation function for the qso-galaxy cross-correlation project, I found a but that might point to why I was getting huge spikes at small angles for my angular correlation function in this post.

Turned out that (for who knows how long) I wasn't feeding in the minimum correlation angle / distance into the code that makes the mesh for the correlation code. For some reason when I called the function I had hard coded 0.0 as the minimum correlation angle/distance instead of corrmin. So this meant that all objects with correlations less than corrmin were all put into the smallest bin. I don't think this exactly explains the observed spiky behavior, but now that I've fixed that I am going to see if things work better.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Testing QSO-Galaxy Cross CF

I spent the last couple days making sure that I trusted the correlation function code I had developed for this project. I compared it to the results from a (slow) sphere-match code on a small data set.

The following are the testing codes (also here ../logs/cross_corr_check.idl). In IDL using spherematch:

; Read in data/random files
readcol,'cfht_data_tiny.dat',rad1,decd1, format = ('D,D')
readcol, 'qso_data_tiny.dat',rad2,decd2,cd, format = ('D,D,D') ;cd is comoving distance of qsos
readcol,'cfht_randoms_tiny.dat',rar1,decr1, format = ('D,D')

; Find number of objects in files
nr1 = n_elements(rar1)
nd1 = n_elements(rad1)
nd2 = n_elements(rad2)

; Correlate out to a large theta to get all pairs
thetamax = 50.0

print,'Starting cross-correlation:'
print,'Estimating DD...'

; Convert from angular separation to comoving distance separation
this_dd = 2*sin(dist_dd*!pi/360)*cd[ind1b]

;Bins go from 0.1 to 10 with 15 bins.
corrmin = 0.1D
corrmax = 10.0D
nbins = 15.0D

; Find bins lower, upper and centers
bins_lower = (corrmax-corrmin)/(nbins)*findgen(nbins)+corrmin
bins_upper = (corrmax-corrmin)/(nbins)*(findgen(nbins)+1)+corrmin
rmean = fltarr(nbins)
for i = 0,(nbins-1) do rmean[i] = (bins_lower[i]+bins_upper[i])/2.

; Bin the DD separation distances
dd = fltarr(nbins)
for i = 0,(nbins-1) do dd[i] = n_elements(where(this_dd gt bins_lower[i] AND this_dd le bins_upper[i]))

print,'Estimating DR...'

this_dr = 2*sin(dist_dr1*!pi/360)*cd[ind2]
dr = fltarr(nbins)
for i = 0,(nbins-1) do dr[i] = n_elements(where(this_dr ge bins_lower[i] AND this_dr le bins_upper[i]))

corr1 = 1L*dd/dr*1L*(nd2*nr1)/(1L*nd1*nd2)-1L

for i = 0,(nbins-1) do print, rmean[i], corr1[i]

Separation omega
0.430000 -0.115686
1.09000 -0.104478
1.75000 -0.120804
2.41000 -0.0914845
3.07000 -0.0393971
3.73000 -0.0268416
4.39000 0.0134841
5.05000 0.0596094
5.71000 0.0227162
6.37000 0.102554
7.03000 0.0929233
7.69000 0.0900670
8.35000 0.0591398
9.01000 0.0284724
9.67000 0.0598689

(Note that these "tiny" files only have 6 qsos and 9000 galaxies, so the correlation function values are very noisy, this was just to test and I used small files to)

By comparison I also have the python/C code which runs much faster (../Jessica/qsobias/Correlate/runCorrelation.py):

import numpy as N

from pylab import *

from correlationFunctions import *


# Create file names (tiny catalogs)


workingDir = 'tinyrun'


galaxyDataFile, qsoDataFile, randomDataFile, corr2dCodefile, argumentFile, runConstantsFile = makeFileNamesTiny(workingDir)

oversample = 5. # Amount that randoms should be oversampled

corrBins = 25.0 # Number of correlation bins (+1)

mincorr = 0.1 # (Mpc/h comoving distance separation) Must be great than zero if log-binning

maxcorr = 10.0 # (Mphc/h comoving distance separation)

convo = 180./pi # conversion from degrees to radians

tlogbin = 1 # = 0 for uniform spacing, = 1 for log spacing in theta


# Write run constants to a file


writeRunConstantsToFile(runConstantsFile, galaxyDataFile, qsoDataFile, \

randomDataFile, corr2dCodefile, argumentFile, oversample, corrBins, \

mincorr, maxcorr, tlogbin)


# Compute the Angular Correlation Function


runcrossCorrelation(workingDir, argumentFile, corr2dCodefile, galaxyDataFile,\

qsoDataFile, randomDataFile, mincorr, maxcorr, corrBins, tlogbin)

# separation (Mpc/h) crossw (Mpc/h)

0.4300000000 -0.1156862745

1.0900000000 -0.1044776119

1.7500000000 -0.1208039566

2.4100000000 -0.0914845135

3.0700000000 -0.0393970538

3.7300000000 -0.0268417043

4.3900000000 0.0134841235

5.0500000000 0.0596093513

5.7100000000 0.0227161938

6.3700000000 0.1025539385

7.0300000000 0.0929232804

7.6900000000 0.0900670231

8.3500000000 0.0591397849

9.0100000000 0.0284723490

9.6700000000 0.0598689436

As you can see the correlation functions match!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Data in Order

I've finished creating the randoms for the CFHT data. They are here:


So now I have the masked galaxy data:

The qso data:

The code to make these is catalogs are here:
randoms: ../Jessica/qsobias/Analysis/make_random_catalog.pro
galaxy data: ../Jessica/qsobias/Analysis/doall_cfht_se.pro
qso data: ../Jessica/qsobias/Analysis/make_qso_catalog.py

In my meeting last week, I realized that I had been calculating the correlation function incorrectly. I need to multiply the angle by the comoving distance to get a physical separation, not angular separation. This requires tweaking the c-code a bit to change that.