Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Temperature Plots in Python

I figured out how to do temperature plots in python. The only problem with below is that the numbers on the axis are wrong. I if I set 'extent' to be the actual extent of the axis (in this case x = [0.5,1], y = [-28,-18]) then it plots a very skinny, tall plot. So I had to correct the axis by hand later.

import matplotlib
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.cm as cm
import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

redbins = linspace(start = 0.5, stop = 1.0, num = 51)
rcenter = (redbins[0:-1]+redbins[1:])/2.0
mbins = linspace(start = -28, stop = -18, num = 51)
mcenter = (mbins[0:-1]+mbins[1:])/2.0

H, xedges,yedges = N.histogram2d(qsoM[dr7cut],qsored[dr7cut],bins=(mbins,redbins))
X = rcenter
Y = mcenter
Z = H

#plt.imshow(H, extent=[-3,3,-3,3], interpolation='bilinear', origin='lower')

plt.imshow(H, extent=[-3,3,-3,3], interpolation='nearest', origin='lower')

xlabel('redshift (z)')
ylabel('absolute magnitude (i-band)')
title('SDSS DR7 Quasar Density')

The above code is also in the following log file: ../logs/110614log.py


  1. You can use the aspect= keyword of imshow to get the aspect ratio to something more reasonable. For example

    xrange= [xmin,xmax]
    yrange= [ymin,ymax]

    will produce a 1:1 plot.


  2. Thank you Anonymous! This is exactly what I need.
