It is quite easy to make the 2D histogram, but plotting it has proved to be an issue. I've spent most of the day trying to do this. Here is how I create the histogram:
qsos = testqsosNow I need code to plot this histogram in color-color space with hotter colors in bins with higher likelihoods and cooler colors in bins with smaller likelihoods. Anyone have code that does this in IDL or python? Joe has some, but I'm having a hard time getting it to work.
b_u = 1.4
b_g = 0.9
b_r = 1.2
b_i = 1.8
b_z = 7.4
z_temp = qsos.Z_TOT
fu1 = qsos.PSFFLUX[0]
fg1 = qsos.PSFFLUX[1]
fr1 = qsos.PSFFLUX[2]
fi1 = qsos.PSFFLUX[3]
fz1 = qsos.PSFFLUX[4]
ivar_u1 = qsos.PSFFLUX_IVAR[0]
ivar_g1 = qsos.PSFFLUX_IVAR[1]
ivar_r1 = qsos.PSFFLUX_IVAR[2]
ivar_i1 = qsos.PSFFLUX_IVAR[3]
ivar_z1 = qsos.PSFFLUX_IVAR[4]
u1 = sdss_flux2mags(fu1, b_u)
g1 = sdss_flux2mags(fg1, b_g)
r1 = sdss_flux2mags(fr1, b_r)
i1 = sdss_flux2mags(fi1, b_i)
z1 = sdss_flux2mags(fz1, b_z)
sigu = sdss_ivar2magerr(ivar_u1, fu1, b_u)
sigg = sdss_ivar2magerr(ivar_g1, fg1, b_g)
sigr = sdss_ivar2magerr(ivar_r1, fr1, b_r)
sigi = sdss_ivar2magerr(ivar_i1, fi1, b_i)
sigz = sdss_ivar2magerr(ivar_z1, fz1, b_z)
ug = u1-g1
gr = g1-r1
ri = r1-i1
iz = i1-z1
icut = where(i1 GT 19.5)
nx = 50
ny = 50
imageQSO = fltarr(nx,ny)
imageAll = fltarr(nx,ny)
imageRatio = fltarr(nx,ny)
likeQSO = qsoqlike[icut]
likeAll = qsoslike[icut]
likeRatio = likeQSO/likeAll
qsoug = ug[icut]
qsogr = gr[icut]
populate_image, imageQSO, qsoug, qsogr, weight = likeQSO
populate_image, imageALL, qsoug, qsogr, weight = likeAll
populate_image, imageRatio, qsoug, qsogr, weight = likeRatio
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