To mask BOSS data (spectroscopic set)
;Read in BOSS data
bossgalaxies = '/home/jessica/boss/spAll-v5_4_14.fits'
spall = mrdfits(bossgalaxies, 1)
;Trim BOSS data to be a galaxy (remove QSOs, starts, etc)
isgal = where(spall.specprimary EQ 1 $
AND (spall.boss_target1 AND 2L^0+2L^1+2L^2+2L^3+2L^7) NE 0 $
AND strmatch(spall.class,'GALAXY*') $
AND spall.zwarning EQ 0)
;Select galaxies
galaxies = spall[isgal]
ra = galaxies.ra
dec = galaxies.dec
z = galaxies.z
;Select objects in the masks
weights = maskdataboth(ra,dec,z)
; Readout ra, dec, redshift of spectroscopic objects inside mask
thisfile = '/home/jessica/boss/spectroRaDecZMasked.dat'
The code for maskdataboth is here:
'maskdataboth' filters the data through both the BOSS mask and Shirley's mask to make sure the data sets are in the same ra/dec footprint.
To Mask Shirley's Data (photometric set)
;Read in Shirley's Photometric Data
file1 = "/home/shirleyho/research/SDSS_PK/powerspec_dir/DATA/ra_dec_z_run_rerun_camcol.z_gt_0.01"
readcol, file1, pra, pdec, pz, RUN, rerun, camcol, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, format='(F,F,F,D,D,D,D,D,F,F,F,F,F,F)'
;Select objects in the masks
pweights = maskdataboth(pra,pdec,pz)
; Readout ra, dec, redshift of spectroscopic objects inside mask
thisfile = '/home/jessica/boss/photoRaDecZMasked.dat'
Here are plots of the data sets to show that they do indeed fall in the same region of the sky:

Both these data sets are saved in the following directory: /home/jessica/boss/
The code to run this is here: ../logs/
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