Thursday, January 27, 2011

Remaking Contour Plot

Schlegel wanted me to remake the contour plot with error bars, so here it is:

The code to do this plot is in the following file:

Antonio's Catalogs

I talked to Antonio Cuesta today (at Schlegel's direction) about possible catalogs for my photo-z data set. He has been using the following photo-z catalogs:

These are the full CMASS sets. It might be the same things that Shirley gave me. He said I should get the mask from Shirley, so I have a feeling it is what she already gave me.

I've downloaded them and put there here:

Will talk to Shirley about the masks for these.

Thanks Antonio!

I'm still doing the edits on this darn likelihood paper. It is taking WAY longer than I expected and I am so ready to be done with this paper.

Enraging moment of the week: I spent ~1 week a while back figuring out how to make these awesome temperature contour plots as requested by a co-author. In the latest version of the paper the same co-author asked me to remove said plots. Oh the joys of science collaboration,.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Random LaTeX Information

I've spent most of this week incorporating co-author comments into my Likelihood Paper. Am I the only person in academia that finds LaTeX annoying? When I went from the "onecolumn" emulateapj document class, to just emulateapj, a lot of things got screwy. Anyway, here are some tricks of the LaTeX trade that I will probably forget between now and the next time I write a paper, so I thought I'd put them here.

I found this short-math-guide to LaTex very helpful. (also downloaded onto my mac under jessica/documents/reseearch/)

How to list an author with multiple affiliations (for myself):

Jessica A. Kirkpatrick\altaffilmark{1}$^{,}$\altaffilmark{2}

How to force a figure to span the entire page even when you have 2-columns:
include an * in \begin{figure*}

How to make a sum in a fraction in an equation be big
Put a "\displaystyle" before each \sum


Thursday, January 13, 2011

More Playing with Binning

The code for the results presented here is in the following location:
../logs/ and

In [811]: workingDir
Out[811]: 'run2011113_135'

In [812]: rbins
Out[812]: array([ 805., 1005.])

# Reached checkpoint 0
# Reached checkpoint 1
# Set thetaMin = 0.300000 degrees
# Set thetaMax = 3.000000 degrees
# Reached checkpoint 2
# Skipped 0 lines starting with #.
# Read 2028 positions for galaxies in spectroscopic dataset.
# Skipped 0 lines starting with #.
# Read 40093 positions for galaxies in photometric dataset.
# Will oversample random catalog by a factor 5.
# Reached checkpoint 3
# Reached checkpoint 4
# theta (degrees) crossw(theta)
0.4350000000 0.0368827846
0.7050000000 0.0186283197
0.9750000000 0.0044384196
1.2450000000 0.0036529076
1.5150000000 0.0061628043
1.7850000000 0.0029787161
2.0550000000 0.0005309840
2.3250000000 0.0046142034
2.5950000000 0.0011359595
2.8650000000 -0.0059867587

# Reached checkpoint 0
# Reached checkpoint 1
# Boxside = 1445.484653 (Mpc/h).
# Set rmin = 5.000000 (Mpc/h).
# Set rmax = 50.000000 (Mpc/h).
# Reached checkpoint 2
# Skipped 0 lines starting with #.
# Read 2028 positions for galaxies in spectroscopic dataset.
# Skipped 0 lines starting with #.
# Read 2028 positions for galaxies in photometric dataset.
# Will oversample random catalog by a factor 5.
# Reached checkpoint 3
# Reached checkpoint 4
# r (Mpc/h) cross xi (r)
5.5625000000 7.3312175418
6.6875000000 2.7803780378
7.8125000000 2.1948752529
8.9375000000 1.4484752892
10.0625000000 1.2149978327
11.1875000000 0.9710144928
12.3125000000 0.6835145460
13.4375000000 0.6562173459
14.5625000000 0.6439175715
15.6875000000 0.5372623574
16.8125000000 0.4689703808
17.9375000000 0.3711504707
19.0625000000 0.3439323221
20.1875000000 0.2902671251
21.3125000000 0.2033088235
22.4375000000 0.1947093551
23.5625000000 0.1669645673
24.6875000000 0.1802608526
25.8125000000 0.0782672675
26.9375000000 0.1177992411
28.0625000000 0.1332839993
29.1875000000 0.1578785786
30.3125000000 0.1556223428
31.4375000000 0.1490674319
32.5625000000 0.1386757216
33.6875000000 0.1192737611
34.8125000000 0.1145179875
35.9375000000 0.1162354932
37.0625000000 0.0994211374
38.1875000000 0.0432681109
39.3125000000 0.1326628083
40.4375000000 0.1932689655
41.5625000000 0.0655518036
42.6875000000 0.1202257171
43.8125000000 0.0906380753
44.9375000000 0.1366837226
46.0625000000 0.1026551405
47.1875000000 0.1327014218
48.3125000000 0.1506686016
49.4375000000 0.1364948674

In [757]: workingDir
Out[757]: 'run2011113_134'

In [758]: rbins
Out[758]: array([ 802.5, 1002.5])

# Reached checkpoint 0
# Reached checkpoint 1
# Set thetaMin = 0.300000 degrees
# Set thetaMax = 3.000000 degrees
# Reached checkpoint 2
# Skipped 0 lines starting with #.
# Read 2028 positions for galaxies in spectroscopic dataset.
# Skipped 0 lines starting with #.
# Read 40093 positions for galaxies in photometric dataset.
# Will oversample random catalog by a factor 5.
# Reached checkpoint 3
# Reached checkpoint 4
# theta (degrees) crossw(theta)
0.4350000000 0.0371164598
0.7050000000 0.0193526458
0.9750000000 0.0045995432
1.2450000000 0.0043024786
1.5150000000 0.0063659326
1.7850000000 0.0031336575
2.0550000000 0.0008123796
2.3250000000 0.0042766035
2.5950000000 0.0004528866
2.8650000000 -0.0064084959

# Reached checkpoint 0
# Reached checkpoint 1
# Boxside = 1445.484653 (Mpc/h).
# Set rmin = 5.000000 (Mpc/h).
# Set rmax = 50.000000 (Mpc/h).
# Reached checkpoint 2
# Skipped 0 lines starting with #.
# Read 2028 positions for galaxies in spectroscopic dataset.
# Skipped 0 lines starting with #.
# Read 2028 positions for galaxies in photometric dataset.
# Will oversample random catalog by a factor 5.
# Reached checkpoint 3
# Reached checkpoint 4
# r (Mpc/h) cross xi (r)
5.5625000000 7.2073520965
6.6875000000 2.8254385965
7.8125000000 2.1463576159
8.9375000000 1.4994343891
10.0625000000 1.2508009153
11.1875000000 1.0035360679
12.3125000000 0.7141130251
13.4375000000 0.6924277908
14.5625000000 0.6975016880
15.6875000000 0.4723520249
16.8125000000 0.5198555957
17.9375000000 0.4438175077
19.0625000000 0.3131164434
20.1875000000 0.3030183727
21.3125000000 0.2391835737
22.4375000000 0.2240715580
23.5625000000 0.1976963351
24.6875000000 0.1757635468
25.8125000000 0.0566020314
26.9375000000 0.1243115657
28.0625000000 0.1639601022
29.1875000000 0.1500850998
30.3125000000 0.1375486524
31.4375000000 0.1208529093
32.5625000000 0.1320347779
33.6875000000 0.0865246373
34.8125000000 0.1162599570
35.9375000000 0.1184649948
37.0625000000 0.0971736683
38.1875000000 0.0356581932
39.3125000000 0.1162093352
40.4375000000 0.1617269800
41.5625000000 0.0864118556
42.6875000000 0.1104105877
43.8125000000 0.0987264444
44.9375000000 0.1558778626
46.0625000000 0.1137533457
47.1875000000 0.1284659472
48.3125000000 0.1342257409
49.4375000000 0.1458075620

In [706]: workingDir
Out[706]: 'run2011113_132'

In [707]: rbins
Out[707]: array([ 800., 1000.])

# Reached checkpoint 0
# Reached checkpoint 1
# Set thetaMin = 0.300000 degrees
# Set thetaMax = 3.000000 degrees
# Reached checkpoint 2
# Skipped 0 lines starting with #.
# Read 2020 positions for galaxies in spectroscopic dataset.
# Skipped 0 lines starting with #.
# Read 40093 positions for galaxies in photometric dataset.
# Will oversample random catalog by a factor 5.
# Reached checkpoint 3
# Reached checkpoint 4
# theta (degrees) crossw(theta)
0.4350000000 0.0376411167
0.7050000000 0.0194325543
0.9750000000 0.0048928558
1.2450000000 0.0041848949
1.5150000000 0.0053992576
1.7850000000 0.0033239788
2.0550000000 0.0005820587
2.3250000000 0.0028552834
2.5950000000 0.0001127403
2.8650000000 -0.0058993543

# Reached checkpoint 0
# Reached checkpoint 1
# Boxside = 1443.306941 (Mpc/h).
# Set rmin = 5.000000 (Mpc/h).
# Set rmax = 50.000000 (Mpc/h).
# Reached checkpoint 2
# Skipped 0 lines starting with #.
# Read 2020 positions for galaxies in spectroscopic dataset.
# Skipped 0 lines starting with #.
# Read 2020 positions for galaxies in photometric dataset.
# Will oversample random catalog by a factor 5.
# Reached checkpoint 3
# Reached checkpoint 4
# r (Mpc/h) cross xi (r)
5.5625000000 7.3683602771
6.6875000000 2.8422459893
7.8125000000 2.2656023222
8.9375000000 1.5092190889
10.0625000000 1.2171848014
11.1875000000 0.9798755946
12.3125000000 0.6470054446
13.4375000000 0.6728800210
14.5625000000 0.6656186840
15.6875000000 0.4108980827
16.8125000000 0.4551293488
17.9375000000 0.3576689081
19.0625000000 0.2786253888
20.1875000000 0.2795942880
21.3125000000 0.2641486811
22.4375000000 0.1787335452
23.5625000000 0.1932377049
24.6875000000 0.1691557149
25.8125000000 0.0618681013
26.9375000000 0.0776427385
28.0625000000 0.1677520402
29.1875000000 0.1520330914
30.3125000000 0.1226820946
31.4375000000 0.1115907619
32.5625000000 0.1374768471
33.6875000000 0.0994743496
34.8125000000 0.1147957563
35.9375000000 0.0976784391
37.0625000000 0.0773483913
38.1875000000 0.0215053763
39.3125000000 0.1412438901
40.4375000000 0.1835418619
41.5625000000 0.0862946883
42.6875000000 0.1139788310
43.8125000000 0.1009687613
44.9375000000 0.1452321997
46.0625000000 0.1600440396
47.1875000000 0.1183867505
48.3125000000 0.1312342833
49.4375000000 0.0854891304

In [557]: workingDir
Out[557]: 'run2011113_1258'

In [558]: rbins
Out[558]: array([ 795., 995.])

# Reached checkpoint 0
# Reached checkpoint 1
# Set thetaMin = 0.300000 degrees
# Set thetaMax = 3.000000 degrees
# Reached checkpoint 2
# Skipped 0 lines starting with #.
# Read 2004 positions for galaxies in spectroscopic dataset.
# Skipped 0 lines starting with #.
# Read 40093 positions for galaxies in photometric dataset.
# Will oversample random catalog by a factor 5.
# Reached checkpoint 3
# Reached checkpoint 4
# theta (degrees) crossw(theta)
0.4350000000 0.0388880209
0.7050000000 0.0204673706
0.9750000000 0.0064237232
1.2450000000 0.0053715881
1.5150000000 0.0071020906
1.7850000000 0.0037604872
2.0550000000 0.0009451759
2.3250000000 0.0028041224
2.5950000000 0.0000375088
2.8650000000 -0.0049050702

# Reached checkpoint 0
# Reached checkpoint 1
# Boxside = 1439.077959 (Mpc/h).
# Set rmin = 5.000000 (Mpc/h).
# Set rmax = 50.000000 (Mpc/h).
# Reached checkpoint 2
# Skipped 0 lines starting with #.
# Read 2004 positions for galaxies in spectroscopic dataset.
# Skipped 0 lines starting with #.
# Read 2004 positions for galaxies in photometric dataset.
# Will oversample random catalog by a factor 5.
# Reached checkpoint 3
# Reached checkpoint 4
# r (Mpc/h) cross xi (r)
5.5625000000 7.1203438395
6.6875000000 2.7779868297
7.8125000000 2.1548913043
8.9375000000 1.4051114736
10.0625000000 1.2674731183
11.1875000000 0.9377637131
12.3125000000 0.7205293937
13.4375000000 0.6292400736
14.5625000000 0.6476983576
15.6875000000 0.4537355740
16.8125000000 0.4482133140
17.9375000000 0.3586763519
19.0625000000 0.3181279621
20.1875000000 0.2336548767
21.3125000000 0.2464106025
22.4375000000 0.1936731907
23.5625000000 0.1911764706
24.6875000000 0.2001368123
25.8125000000 0.0520263378
26.9375000000 0.1059362309
28.0625000000 0.1554842953
29.1875000000 0.1181895683
30.3125000000 0.1187637969
31.4375000000 0.1244977088
32.5625000000 0.1561315647
33.6875000000 0.1129225446
34.8125000000 0.1395729672
35.9375000000 0.1188377606
37.0625000000 0.0884716891
38.1875000000 0.0858053302
39.3125000000 0.1495337795
40.4375000000 0.1700203980
41.5625000000 0.0715447154
42.6875000000 0.1250653834
43.8125000000 0.1365173508
44.9375000000 0.1369292472
46.0625000000 0.1400547210
47.1875000000 0.1041558442
48.3125000000 0.1144523999
49.4375000000 0.1112572619

In [505]: workingDir
Out[505]: 'run2011113_1245'

In [506]: rbins
Out[506]: array([ 797.5, 997.5])

# Reached checkpoint 0
# Reached checkpoint 1
# Set thetaMin = 0.300000 degrees
# Set thetaMax = 3.000000 degrees
# Reached checkpoint 2
# Skipped 0 lines starting with #.
# Read 2008 positions for galaxies in spectroscopic dataset.
# Skipped 0 lines starting with #.
# Read 40093 positions for galaxies in photometric dataset.
# Will oversample random catalog by a factor 5.
# Reached checkpoint 3
# Reached checkpoint 4
# theta (degrees) crossw(theta)
0.4350000000 0.0388254628
0.7050000000 0.0200367583
0.9750000000 0.0060970954
1.2450000000 0.0047511775
1.5150000000 0.0057808604
1.7850000000 0.0029344768
2.0550000000 0.0001915146
2.3250000000 0.0026369611
2.5950000000 -0.0005861129
2.8650000000 -0.0057241389

# Reached checkpoint 0
# Reached checkpoint 1
# Boxside = 1443.306941 (Mpc/h).
# Set rmin = 5.000000 (Mpc/h).
# Set rmax = 50.000000 (Mpc/h).
# Reached checkpoint 2
# Skipped 0 lines starting with #.
# Read 2008 positions for galaxies in spectroscopic dataset.
# Skipped 0 lines starting with #.
# Read 2008 positions for galaxies in photometric dataset.
# Will oversample random catalog by a factor 5.
# Reached checkpoint 3
# Reached checkpoint 4
# r (Mpc/h) cross xi (r)
5.5625000000 7.3676896352
6.6875000000 2.7455197133
7.8125000000 2.1869651086
8.9375000000 1.4586262845
10.0625000000 1.2580093977
11.1875000000 0.9869026549
12.3125000000 0.7057394473
13.4375000000 0.6463579745
14.5625000000 0.6351628331
15.6875000000 0.4788473329
16.8125000000 0.4887407674
17.9375000000 0.3664989450
19.0625000000 0.3220138786
20.1875000000 0.2491070247
21.3125000000 0.2679746527
22.4375000000 0.1956621529
23.5625000000 0.1843352726
24.6875000000 0.2089522873
25.8125000000 0.0694211800
26.9375000000 0.0942485125
28.0625000000 0.1573650503
29.1875000000 0.1096550091
30.3125000000 0.0903384891
31.4375000000 0.0923850575
32.5625000000 0.1292107960
33.6875000000 0.1211330114
34.8125000000 0.0913669982
35.9375000000 0.0849544447
37.0625000000 0.1013017751
38.1875000000 0.0118795578
39.3125000000 0.1180127799
40.4375000000 0.1499472017
41.5625000000 0.0681091047
42.6875000000 0.0982710600
43.8125000000 0.0857083094
44.9375000000 0.1006979567
46.0625000000 0.1187564234
47.1875000000 0.1262366035
48.3125000000 0.1153521721

In [433]: workingDir
Out[433]: 'run2011113_1243'

In [434]: rbins
Out[434]: array([ 790., 1010.])

# Reached checkpoint 0
# Reached checkpoint 1
# Set thetaMin = 0.300000 degrees
# Set thetaMax = 3.000000 degrees
# Reached checkpoint 2
# Skipped 0 lines starting with #.
# Read 2231 positions for galaxies in spectroscopic dataset.
# Skipped 0 lines starting with #.
# Read 40093 positions for galaxies in photometric dataset.
# Will oversample random catalog by a factor 5.
# Reached checkpoint 3
# Reached checkpoint 4
# theta (degrees) crossw(theta)
0.4350000000 0.0358469262
0.7050000000 0.0164885843
0.9750000000 0.0030216237
1.2450000000 0.0027115993
1.5150000000 0.0053869359
1.7850000000 0.0042994523
2.0550000000 0.0015419889
2.3250000000 0.0048307859
2.5950000000 0.0018157933
2.8650000000 -0.0045208851

# Reached checkpoint 0
# Reached checkpoint 1
# Boxside = 1445.484653 (Mpc/h).
# Set rmin = 5.000000 (Mpc/h).
# Set rmax = 50.000000 (Mpc/h).
# Reached checkpoint 2
# Skipped 0 lines starting with #.
# Read 2231 positions for galaxies in spectroscopic dataset.
# Skipped 0 lines starting with #.
# Read 2231 positions for galaxies in photometric dataset.
# Will oversample random catalog by a factor 5.
# Reached checkpoint 3
# Reached checkpoint 4
# r (Mpc/h) cross xi (r)
5.5625000000 7.0671916010
6.6875000000 2.6597337770
7.8125000000 2.0967141971
8.9375000000 1.4168640455
10.0625000000 1.2582831325
11.1875000000 1.0146920913
12.3125000000 0.7525145580
13.4375000000 0.6207774179
14.5625000000 0.6142481279
15.6875000000 0.5257731959
16.8125000000 0.4911054638
17.9375000000 0.3773826458
19.0625000000 0.3074107960
20.1875000000 0.2761624485
21.3125000000 0.2399868320
22.4375000000 0.2142279709
23.5625000000 0.1725269573
24.6875000000 0.1999123192
25.8125000000 0.0933633296
26.9375000000 0.1279932025
28.0625000000 0.1316080513
29.1875000000 0.1477760842
30.3125000000 0.0997464638
31.4375000000 0.1347751633
32.5625000000 0.1418344245
33.6875000000 0.1160514212
34.8125000000 0.1165081715
35.9375000000 0.1161886242
37.0625000000 0.0996331237
38.1875000000 0.0403815251
39.3125000000 0.1266922611
40.4375000000 0.1714313544
41.5625000000 0.0961889220
42.6875000000 0.0959631562
43.8125000000 0.0954063604
44.9375000000 0.1276857247
46.0625000000 0.1120255213
47.1875000000 0.1237118145
48.3125000000 0.1152063051
49.4375000000 0.1371946830

In [381]: workingDir
Out[381]: 'run2011113_1242'

In [382]: rbins
Out[382]: array([ 792.5, 1007.5])

# Reached checkpoint 0
# Reached checkpoint 1
# Set thetaMin = 0.300000 degrees
# Set thetaMax = 3.000000 degrees
# Reached checkpoint 2
# Skipped 0 lines starting with #.
# Read 2184 positions for galaxies in spectroscopic dataset.
# Skipped 0 lines starting with #.
# Read 40093 positions for galaxies in photometric dataset.
# Will oversample random catalog by a factor 5.
# Reached checkpoint 3
# Reached checkpoint 4
# theta (degrees) crossw(theta)
0.4350000000 0.0368108909
0.7050000000 0.0175563259
0.9750000000 0.0042362645
1.2450000000 0.0033333115
1.5150000000 0.0056143803
1.7850000000 0.0036868923
2.0550000000 0.0007595886
2.3250000000 0.0033062993
2.5950000000 0.0010910896
2.8650000000 -0.0047106846

# Reached checkpoint 0
# Reached checkpoint 1
# Boxside = 1445.484653 (Mpc/h).
# Set rmin = 5.000000 (Mpc/h).
# Set rmax = 50.000000 (Mpc/h).
# Reached checkpoint 2
# Skipped 0 lines starting with #.
# Read 2184 positions for galaxies in spectroscopic dataset.
# Skipped 0 lines starting with #.
# Read 2184 positions for galaxies in photometric dataset.
# Will oversample random catalog by a factor 5.
# Reached checkpoint 3
# Reached checkpoint 4
# r (Mpc/h) cross xi (r)
5.5625000000 6.9247764335
6.6875000000 2.7526793075
7.8125000000 2.0979772440
8.9375000000 1.4390009606
10.0625000000 1.2590151221
11.1875000000 0.9771598808
12.3125000000 0.7655902004
13.4375000000 0.6603286385
14.5625000000 0.6949048496
15.6875000000 0.5276908924
16.8125000000 0.5160620105
17.9375000000 0.3529667149
19.0625000000 0.3010467736
20.1875000000 0.2473914099
21.3125000000 0.2165799593
22.4375000000 0.1884361580
23.5625000000 0.2002478079
24.6875000000 0.1813466788
25.8125000000 0.0538234052
26.9375000000 0.1245206230
28.0625000000 0.1259753902
29.1875000000 0.1533885702
30.3125000000 0.1105183969
31.4375000000 0.1138868958
32.5625000000 0.1291901605
33.6875000000 0.1157498656
34.8125000000 0.1003849743
35.9375000000 0.1121154278
37.0625000000 0.0719676255
38.1875000000 0.0434126899
39.3125000000 0.1238297212
40.4375000000 0.1585134054
41.5625000000 0.0538669877
42.6875000000 0.0961051374
43.8125000000 0.1111693510
44.9375000000 0.1230632402
46.0625000000 0.1269510926
47.1875000000 0.1157229761
48.3125000000 0.0905084746
49.4375000000 0.1251654006

In [320]: workingDir
Out[320]: 'run2011113_1237'

In [321]: rbins
Out[321]: array([ 795., 1005.])

# Reached checkpoint 0
# Reached checkpoint 1
# Set thetaMin = 0.300000 degrees
# Set thetaMax = 3.000000 degrees
# Reached checkpoint 2
# Skipped 0 lines starting with #.
# Read 2128 positions for galaxies in spectroscopic dataset.
# Skipped 0 lines starting with #.
# Read 40093 positions for galaxies in photometric dataset.
# Will oversample random catalog by a factor 5.
# Reached checkpoint 3
# Reached checkpoint 4
# theta (degrees) crossw(theta)
0.4350000000 0.0370348500
0.7050000000 0.0171423752
0.9750000000 0.0046380397
1.2450000000 0.0039995074
1.5150000000 0.0060956947
1.7850000000 0.0033803280
2.0550000000 0.0008282875
2.3250000000 0.0036074694
2.5950000000 0.0008401655
2.8650000000 -0.0061471791

# Reached checkpoint 0
# Reached checkpoint 1
# Boxside = 1445.484653 (Mpc/h).
# Set rmin = 5.000000 (Mpc/h).
# Set rmax = 50.000000 (Mpc/h).
# Reached checkpoint 2
# Skipped 0 lines starting with #.
# Read 2128 positions for galaxies in spectroscopic dataset.
# Skipped 0 lines starting with #.
# Read 2128 positions for galaxies in photometric dataset.
# Will oversample random catalog by a factor 5.
# Reached checkpoint 3
# Reached checkpoint 4
# r (Mpc/h) cross xi (r)
5.5625000000 7.1955093100
6.6875000000 2.7940913160
7.8125000000 2.1819923372
8.9375000000 1.4245562130
10.0625000000 1.1984609154
11.1875000000 0.9943671305
12.3125000000 0.7053072626
13.4375000000 0.6009791922
14.5625000000 0.6360356537
15.6875000000 0.4395393474
16.8125000000 0.4725738397
17.9375000000 0.3728451564
19.0625000000 0.3141460766
20.1875000000 0.2905674465
21.3125000000 0.2162966354
22.4375000000 0.2229573619
23.5625000000 0.1687007874
24.6875000000 0.2243342516
25.8125000000 0.0463953692
26.9375000000 0.0770692219
28.0625000000 0.1320088978
29.1875000000 0.1214946410
30.3125000000 0.1304257385
31.4375000000 0.1120413859
32.5625000000 0.1616103431
33.6875000000 0.1237912224
34.8125000000 0.1304091499
35.9375000000 0.1206299758
37.0625000000 0.0924930701
38.1875000000 0.0635990938
39.3125000000 0.1332349531
40.4375000000 0.1670103093
41.5625000000 0.0880829016
42.6875000000 0.1064657753
43.8125000000 0.1089235615
44.9375000000 0.1354221986
46.0625000000 0.1440726853
47.1875000000 0.1082204509
48.3125000000 0.1241362411
49.4375000000 0.1156716418

In [267]: workingDir
Out[267]: 'run2011113_126'

In [268]: rbins
Out[268]: array([ 797.5, 1002.5])

# Reached checkpoint 0
# Reached checkpoint 1
# Set thetaMin = 0.300000 degrees
# Set thetaMax = 3.000000 degrees
# Reached checkpoint 2
# Skipped 0 lines starting with #.
# Read 2072 positions for galaxies in spectroscopic dataset.
# Skipped 0 lines starting with #.
# Read 40093 positions for galaxies in photometric dataset.
# Will oversample random catalog by a factor 5.
# Reached checkpoint 3
# Reached checkpoint 4
# theta (degrees) crossw(theta)
0.4350000000 0.0372011654
0.7050000000 0.0177414869
0.9750000000 0.0044619007
1.2450000000 0.0038862883
1.5150000000 0.0056579635
1.7850000000 0.0033102838
2.0550000000 0.0010664417
2.3250000000 0.0038174214
2.5950000000 0.0003359959
2.8650000000 -0.0064396990

# Reached checkpoint 0
# Reached checkpoint 1
# Boxside = 1445.484653 (Mpc/h).
# Set rmin = 5.000000 (Mpc/h).
# Set rmax = 50.000000 (Mpc/h).
# Reached checkpoint 2
# Skipped 0 lines starting with #.
# Read 2072 positions for galaxies in spectroscopic dataset.
# Skipped 0 lines starting with #.
# Read 2072 positions for galaxies in photometric dataset.
# Will oversample random catalog by a factor 5.
# Reached checkpoint 3
# Reached checkpoint 4
# r (Mpc/h) cross xi (r)
5.5625000000 7.5041176471
6.6875000000 2.7382198953
7.8125000000 2.0553025374
8.9375000000 1.4592476489
10.0625000000 1.2118226601
11.1875000000 0.9499299720
12.3125000000 0.7423043096
13.4375000000 0.6221532091
14.5625000000 0.6997529755
15.6875000000 0.4560895580
16.8125000000 0.5077720207
17.9375000000 0.3593991948
19.0625000000 0.3090051339
20.1875000000 0.3082042749
21.3125000000 0.2762741652
22.4375000000 0.2175335296
23.5625000000 0.1790249898
24.6875000000 0.1887496413
25.8125000000 0.0805653710
26.9375000000 0.0812717844
28.0625000000 0.1095636773
29.1875000000 0.1318881225
30.3125000000 0.1046122508
31.4375000000 0.1304618794
32.5625000000 0.1390702275
33.6875000000 0.1078073925
34.8125000000 0.0954151933
35.9375000000 0.1040510709
37.0625000000 0.0748623222
38.1875000000 0.0443684092
39.3125000000 0.1207245663
40.4375000000 0.1260717174
41.5625000000 0.0622670237
42.6875000000 0.0670295490
43.8125000000 0.0796027581
44.9375000000 0.1217545240
46.0625000000 0.1100876319
47.1875000000 0.1181302270
48.3125000000 0.1184197129
49.4375000000 0.1134026056

In [267]: workingDir
Out[267]: 'run2011113_126'

In [268]: rbins
Out[268]: array([ 797.5, 1002.5])

# Reached checkpoint 0
# Reached checkpoint 1
# Set thetaMin = 0.300000 degrees
# Set thetaMax = 3.000000 degrees
# Reached checkpoint 2
# Skipped 0 lines starting with #.
# Read 2072 positions for galaxies in spectroscopic dataset.
# Skipped 0 lines starting with #.
# Read 40093 positions for galaxies in photometric dataset.
# Will oversample random catalog by a factor 5.
# Reached checkpoint 3
# Reached checkpoint 4
# theta (degrees) crossw(theta)
0.4350000000 0.0372011654
0.7050000000 0.0177414869
0.9750000000 0.0044619007
1.2450000000 0.0038862883
1.5150000000 0.0056579635
1.7850000000 0.0033102838
2.0550000000 0.0010664417
2.3250000000 0.0038174214
2.5950000000 0.0003359959
2.8650000000 -0.0064396990

# Reached checkpoint 0
# Reached checkpoint 1
# Boxside = 1445.484653 (Mpc/h).
# Set rmin = 5.000000 (Mpc/h).
# Set rmax = 50.000000 (Mpc/h).
# Reached checkpoint 2
# Skipped 0 lines starting with #.
# Read 2072 positions for galaxies in spectroscopic dataset.
# Skipped 0 lines starting with #.
# Read 2072 positions for galaxies in photometric dataset.
# Will oversample random catalog by a factor 5.
# Reached checkpoint 3
# Reached checkpoint 4
# r (Mpc/h) cross xi (r)
5.5625000000 7.5041176471
6.6875000000 2.7382198953
7.8125000000 2.0553025374
8.9375000000 1.4592476489
10.0625000000 1.2118226601
11.1875000000 0.9499299720
12.3125000000 0.7423043096
13.4375000000 0.6221532091
14.5625000000 0.6997529755
15.6875000000 0.4560895580
16.8125000000 0.5077720207
17.9375000000 0.3593991948
19.0625000000 0.3090051339
20.1875000000 0.3082042749
21.3125000000 0.2762741652
22.4375000000 0.2175335296
23.5625000000 0.1790249898
24.6875000000 0.1887496413
25.8125000000 0.0805653710
26.9375000000 0.0812717844
28.0625000000 0.1095636773
29.1875000000 0.1318881225
30.3125000000 0.1046122508
31.4375000000 0.1304618794
32.5625000000 0.1390702275
33.6875000000 0.1078073925
34.8125000000 0.0954151933
35.9375000000 0.1040510709
37.0625000000 0.0748623222
38.1875000000 0.0443684092
39.3125000000 0.1207245663
40.4375000000 0.1260717174
41.5625000000 0.0622670237
42.6875000000 0.0670295490
43.8125000000 0.0796027581
44.9375000000 0.1217545240
46.0625000000 0.1100876319
47.1875000000 0.1181302270
48.3125000000 0.1184197129
49.4375000000 0.1134026056

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Varying Redshift Binning

Alexia suggested that while I wait for David to get back to me about the problems with the correlation functions on the big data set, that I do some runs on the small data set with slight changes to the redshift bins to see how this effects things in terms of the bouncing.

Here are the runs I have run:

workingDir = 'run2011112_123'
#Angular Correlation
oversample = 5.
corrBins = 10.0 #should be one more than you want it to be
mincorr = 0.3
maxcorr = 3.0

convo = 180./pi

#Auto Correlation
boxside = 2200.0 #in Mpc/h
xicorrmin = 5.0
xicorrmax = 50.0
nxicorr = 40

#make redshift bins
#boxside = 1000.0 #in Mpc/h
rbinmin = 0.0 #in Mpc/h
rbinspace = boxside/10 #in Mpc/h
rbinmax = boxside + 1.0 #in Mpc/h
rbins = makeRbins(rbinmin,rbinmax,rbinspace)
nrbins = int(rbins.size - 1)

array([ 0., 220., 440., 660., 880., 1100., 1320., 1540., 1760., 1980., 2200.])

Reconstruction Plot

correlation functions:

workingDir = 'run2011113_051'

#Angular Correlation
oversample = 5.
corrBins = 10.0 #should be one more than you want it to be
mincorr = 0.3
maxcorr = 3.0

convo = 180./pi

#Auto Correlation
boxside = 2200.0 #in Mpc/h
xicorrmin = 5.0
xicorrmax = 50.0
nxicorr = 40

#make redshift bins
#boxside = 1000.0 #in Mpc/h
rbinmin = 100 #in Mpc/h
rbinspace = boxside/10 #in Mpc/h
rbinmax = boxside + 1.0 #in Mpc/h
rbins = makeRbins(rbinmin,rbinmax,rbinspace)
nrbins = int(rbins.size - 1)

rbins = array([ 100., 320., 540., 760., 980., 1200., 1420., 1640., 1860., 2080.])

Reconstruction Plot, same binning as above

Correlation Functions

workingDir = 'run2011113_055'

# Create file names

#Angular Correlation
oversample = 5.
corrBins = 10.0 #should be one more than you want it to be
mincorr = 0.3
maxcorr = 3.0

convo = 180./pi

#Auto Correlation
boxside = 2200.0 #in Mpc/h
xicorrmin = 5.0
xicorrmax = 50.0
nxicorr = 40

#make redshift bins
#boxside = 1000.0 #in Mpc/h
rbinmin = 100 #in Mpc/h
rbinspace = boxside/12 #in Mpc/h
rbinmax = boxside + 1.0 #in Mpc/h
rbins = makeRbins(rbinmin,rbinmax,rbinspace)
nrbins = int(rbins.size - 1)

rbins = array([ 100., 283.33333333, 466.66666667, 650. , 833.33333333, 1016.66666667, 1200., 1383.33333333, 1566.66666667, 1750., 1933.33333333, 2116.66666667])

Reconstruction Plot, same binning as above

workingDir = 'run2011113_110'

#Angular Correlation
oversample = 5.
corrBins = 10.0 #should be one more than you want it to be
mincorr = 0.3
maxcorr = 3.0

convo = 180./pi

#Auto Correlation
boxside = 2200.0 #in Mpc/h
xicorrmin = 5.0
xicorrmax = 50.0
nxicorr = 40

#make redshift bins
#boxside = 1000.0 #in Mpc/h
rbinmin = 100 #in Mpc/h
rbinspace = boxside/8 #in Mpc/h
rbinmax = boxside + 1.0 #in Mpc/h
rbins = makeRbins(rbinmin,rbinmax,rbinspace)
nrbins = int(rbins.size - 1)

array([ 100., 375., 650., 925., 1200., 1475., 1750., 2025.])

workingDir = 'run2011113_119'#Angular Correlation
oversample = 5.
corrBins = 10.0 #should be one more than you want it to be
mincorr = 0.3
maxcorr = 3.0

convo = 180./pi

#Auto Correlation
boxside = 2200.0 #in Mpc/h
xicorrmin = 5.0
xicorrmax = 50.0
nxicorr = 40

#make redshift bins
#boxside = 1000.0 #in Mpc/h
rbinmin = 400 #in Mpc/h
rbinspace = boxside/10 #in Mpc/h
rbinmax = boxside + 1.0 #in Mpc/h
rbins = makeRbins(rbinmin,rbinmax,rbinspace)
nrbins = int(rbins.size - 1)

array([ 400., 620., 840., 1060., 1280., 1500., 1720., 1940., 2160.])


Correlation Functions